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Roger Randall in Conversation Kina Robertshaw August 30, 2024
Audrey Jerome – Success Mother’s Sacrifice Absent Father November 26, 2022
Don Larson in Conversation Kina Robertshaw May 8, 2022
Sir Peter Vardy in Conversation Kina Robertshaw January 23, 2022
Ram Gidooma in Conversation with Kina Robertshaw August 8, 2021
Don Larson in Conversation Kina Robertshaw
Don Larson, a former Vice President at The Hershey Company and founder and CEO of the Sunshine Nut Company. One…
Sir Peter Vardy in Conversation Kina Robertshaw
In a conversation with Sir Peter Vardy a Christian entrepreneur. How can you be a successful car dealer and Christian?…
Ram Gidooma in Conversation with Kina Robertshaw
Ram Gidoomal, born a Hindu, raised as a Sikh and having attended a Muslim school. Ram shares some fundamental Christian…
Andrew Glover in Conversations with Kina Robertshaw
IT entrepreneur Andrew Glover shares his experience of building a collaborative team, and how transparency – bing honest about an…
Simon Macaulay, Chairman of Anglo Recycling – response to COVID-19
We are living in unprecedented times. Many difficult decisions await entrepreneurs in the days ahead. Conversations with Christian Entrepreneurs hears…