Don Larson in Conversation Kina Robertshaw

Don Larson, a former Vice President at The Hershey Company and founder and CEO of the Sunshine Nut Company. One day he got a hotel room and got on his knees to pray. “I said, ‘Lord, I have had the greatest first half of my life. The second half of my life I give to you.’” It became clear for Don as he sought the Lord, that God wanted him to build food factories in Third World nations to build lasting economic transformation.

Don, left the American cooperate world, sold his Porsche, his hot air balloon and his house with a swimming pool to buy a small factory in Mozambique to launch his social enterprise. Don is now working to revive Mozambique’s economy and reverse the trend of broken families. Inspired by his faith and the belief that companies can have a profound impact on society. Don has developed a business model called the Sunshine Approach with a “quadruple bottom line” business adding a transformational bottom line to the financial, environmental and social bottom lines of corporate social responsibility.

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